Our Product

Shivganga Pashuaahar Specialities

  • Shivganga Pashuaahar meet animals milk production, maintenance and health requirements.

  • Provide the actual production on nutrients as per body requirements.

  • Only balance cattle feed help full genetic potential of cattle. Shivganga Pashuaahar fullfill all potential of Cattle

  • Prevent rebreeding.

  • Increased disease resistance and improved immunity.

  • Prevents Lameness in cows and metabolic disease such as ketosis and mastitis.

  • Increase milk fat production (Condensed Milk).

  • Prepared according to National Standards.

  • Highly balanced feed supplemented with Khali, Rice Bran, DORB, mineral mixture, Salt and vitamins.

  • More milk more earning.

  • Increase milk fat production (Condensed Milk).

Why Choose Us

Shivganga Pasuahar offer cattle feed products, which are thoroughly hygienic and safe for cattle. Products we supply are manufactured from the finest quality raw materials. Some other features of our company, which has helped us in achieving this height of success are as follows.

Shivganga Pashuaahar Benefits for calve :-
  • Helps in stimulating weight gain process / helps in increasing weight.

  • Ensures rapid and healthy growth of calves.

  • Calves become mature faster.

  • Develops immunity and thus calves do not fall sick frequently.

Shivganga Pashuaahar Benefits for Animal health and milk :-
  • Increased milk production.

  • Improves physical health and natural immunity.

  • Improved feed/fodder intake afality.

  • Improved digestive system.

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Business Overview Our Company


Hariom group is the leading commercial Poultry Feed and cattle Feed company in India comprising 3 Feed Mills with advanced technology


Over more thane1000 partner farmers provided with global technological support for both open and closed houses, PAN India.


Our state of the art Parent Farms have best in class Bio security and is built as per global standards.


Strict Processes ensure only finest quality DOC's are produced at our state of the art hatcheries adhering to global standards.